SomaTherapy - Fascial Normalization 2023

Erik is currently attending SomaTherapy courses lead by the internationally renown Guy Voyer D.O. Courses are held in the Dominican Republic at the Universidad Federico Hernriquez y Carvajal.

Courses attended were Fascial Normalization, pathologies and chains of the lower limb, upper limb, TMJ, pelvis, spine, diaphragms and GPS. A six day intensive course.

Lower Limb (Hip, Knee, Ankle, Foot)

  • Fascial Normalization of the hip, knee, ankle and foot for conditions like patella-femoral syndrome, acetabular impingement, trochanteric bursitis and Achilles tendonitis.

Upper Limb/TMJ (Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist, Digits, TMJ, Ribs)

  • Fascial Normalization of the shoulder, elbow wrist and digits. The shoulder girdle a five part joint that influences directly a portion of the TMJ which may be corrected via the shoulder girdle through proper biomechanical motion. Upper Limb / TMJ for Cervical Radiculopathy and Medial Epicondylitis

Pelvis and Spine (Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacral-Iliac, Pelvis)

  • Fascial Normalization of the pelvis and spine is one of the most used under used techniques in every practice. The importance of the pelvic girdle to be balance, be mobile and yet provide equal tensile strength to support the spine in a tensegrity framework is part of the quality connective tissue that bridges the layers together.

Diaphragms (Pelvic, Thoracic, CervicoThoracic, Cranial)

  • Fascial Normalization of the four diaphragms is crucial to have the balance between and proper communication between each diaphragm. Within the compartments the class explored Kidney, Liver and the Pericardium as links were built to keep free the workings of glands and organ tension within the connective tissue matrix.