SomaTherapy - Diaphragm
/Erik is currently attending SomaTherapy courses lead by the internationally renown Guy Voyer D.O. Courses are held in the Dominican Republic at the Universidad Federico Hernriquez y Carvajal.
Courses attended were Thoracic Diaphragm, Pelvic Diaphragm and CervicoThoracic Diaphragm. A six day intensive course.
1-4. Thoracic diaphragm :
The fundamental muscle of respiration, but also one of the main muscles of the body with multiple fascial relations with all the abdominal, thoracic and pelvic viscera. More than fifty therapeutic techniques related to all these links, allow the therapist to thoroughly treat it.
2-4. Cervico-thoracic diaphragm
Both vertical (Stylian Diaphragm) and horizontal (Bougery Diaphragm), the cervico-thoracic Diaphragm has a role in both the posture of the cervical spine and the stability of the shoulder girdle. It is also related to the larynx, pharynx and thyroid. Knowing how to normalize it is therefore fundamental.
3-4. Pelvic diaphragm
The stability of the pelvis, and therefore of the entire rachis, depends on the stability of the perineum. This diaphragm manages the entire urogenital system. It is also is the floor of all the viscera of the body. During pregnancy and childbirth, the quality of its functions is fundamental. It is necessary to know how to treat the hundred or so ligaments and muscles that compose it.