SomaTherapy - 2TLS

Erik is currently attending SomaTherapy courses lead by the internationally renown Guy Voyer D.O. Courses are held in the Dominican Republic at the Universidad Federico Hernriquez y Carvajal.

Courses attended were Transverse Tendinous and Ligamentous Stretching 2TLS of the lower limb, upper limb, TMJ, pelvis and spine. A six day intensive course. TTLS is a technique that addresses the structural needs and sensory functions of ligaments and tendons. Our body’s ligaments and tendons contain specialized cells that work to provide sensory information to our central nervous system. Because our ligaments and tendons have a larger proportion of these sensory cells compared to other areas of our body, different treatment strategies and exercises are required.

Lower Limb (Hip, Knee, Ankle, Foot)

  • 2TLS of the hip, knee, ankle and foot. Ligaments not commonly address for example Barkow may cause biomechanical dysfunction

Upper Limb/TMJ (Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist, Digits, TMJ, Ribs)

  • 2TLS of the shoulder, elbow wrist, digits as the upper limb is often missed as one functional unit. The shoulder girdle a five part joint that influences directly a portion of the TMJ which may be corrected via the shoulder girdle through proper biomechanical motion.

Pelvis and Spine (Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacral-Iliac, Pelvis)

  • 2TLS of the pelvis is one of the most used techniques in every practice. The importance of the pelvic girdle to be balance, be mobile and yet provide equal tensile strength to support the spine in a tensegrity framework is part of the quality that the liquid medium through the fascia network contributes to quality health.