SomaTraining - Transverse Abdominals (TVA)


Erik is currently attending SomaTraining courses lead by the internationally renown Guy Voyer D.O. Courses are held in Santo-Domingo, Dominican Republic at the Universidad Federico Hernriquez y Carvajal.

Courses attended for SomaTraining were focused on exercises of the transverse abdominals (TVA).


  • Anatomy/Biomechanics/Research Papers - Abdominals, Thoracic Diaphragm, Pelvic Floor links

  • Training - Reinforcing different parts of the Transverse Abdominal (TVA), Pumping of different joints using the TVA, Fascial Normalization of different organs using the TVA, Over 100 exercises!

  • Proprioception using the TVA, Pregnancy situation and the TVA