International Diplomate of Osteopathy
/Erik is currently attending Osteopathic courses lead by the internationally renown Guy Voyer D.O. Courses are held in the Dominican Republic at the Universidad Federico Hernriquez y Carvajal.
Courses attended were Craniology and Pelvilogy (Graduation) .
22 Pelvic Axes, Biomechanics, Anatomy and Fascial Links, Imaging (MRI, Ultrasound, Computer Tomography)
Case Studies on Oblique Axis, H-Axis, AP Axis, Nutcrackers, Hemi-nutcrackers, Cephalic Nutcrackers, Caudal Nutcrackers, Hemi-Cephalic Nutcrackers, Hemi-Caudal Nutcrackers, Vertical Axes
Testing: Pumping, Fascial Normalization, 2TLS, Normalization
Testing: Pain, Orthopedic, Functional, Gravity-Line, Axes, Imaging, Theory, Anatomy, Synthesis, and Clinical Application
Special Emphasis on Piriformis Syndrome
Generality - Primary Respiratory Movement (PRM)
Anatomy Cranium (Temporals, Sphenoid, Occiput, Parietals, Frontals, C0/1, Nasal, Lacrimal, Ethmoid, Palatine (Hard/Soft)
Landmarks, Anatomy, Cranial Nerve (External and Internal)
Complement Fascial Dural Chains
Flow of Ventricles
Techno Methodology Temporals, Sphenoid, Occiput, Frontals, Maxilla, Nasals, Mandible, Parietals, Ethmoid, Lacrimal, Palatine (Hard/Soft)
Cranial Axes