Current Office Procedures


Coronavirus COVID-19 is a betacoronoavirus. It is compromised of a single-stranded nucleic acid (RNA), and encode four main structural proteins: spike, envelope, nucleocapsid and membrane proteins. For all immune challenges the human body has adapted for many years and is a complex system. The first line of defense comes from the innate system that includes the external environment and the parts that can come into contact with that environment for example: eyes, oral cavity, skin, mucous membranes hence the CDC advice on essentially limiting exposure to that environment as an example N95 mask, the make your own version from a T-Shirt. The innate triggers other systems for immunity one being the adaptive system where T and B cells start to make long term immunity or acquired immunity possible. But the immune system is more intelligent and has an Interferon System that phytochemicals can modulate. Further more the neuro system essentially the brain and the microbiome that can communicate to all other systems is important to support for a successful immune boosting protocol.

All human beings are unique in their biochemical-social make up, so precision and personalized dietary supplements shall be considered. Make an appointment today to find out the best dietary supplements and herbs that will best prepare your body's immune system for potential exposure. Dr. Erik Shimane D.C. can create a program tailored to your individual needs. We carry Standard Process, Mediherb, Biotics, Energetix, Apex Energetics, and Dr. Axe's Ancient Nutrition professional grade supplements at our office. You can read more about each company here.

We are open as an Essential Healthcare Provider.

last updated: 3/8/2021

Our operating hours are per our normal scheduled business hours.

We always and continue to maintain a clean facility. We are limiting the number of people in the clinic down to only scheduled patients, practitioner and practitioner assistant. We’re asking anyone who enters to wash their hands upon entering or use provided hand sanitizer. We clean our surfaces with hospital grade cleaners and 70% alcohol in between each visitor. Surfaces include not only the treatment tables, but all counters, chairs, and handles. 4 HEPA Air purifiers are running all day, including the Austin Air Machine. We also continually clean our air with ionization technology that reduces airborne viruses. You can read more about Global Plasma Solutions ionization technology here. We continue to take our prevention protocols including immune boosting and modulating dietary/herbal supplements.

Here are some helpful links and advice concerning COVID19:

Hawaii State Health Department (best place for accurate local updates)
Hawaii Data Collaborative (accurate stats for Hawaii)
Centers for Disease Control (official source for national updates)

  1. Do your best not to live in fear or anxiety about the situation.  Yes, COVID19 is a serious matter that requires our attention.  However, it is important to note that when we get trapped in a fear response our immune systems is affected in favor of survival mechanisms, which actually further heighten our anxiety! Be wise and discerning about your lifestyle practices and choices, and trust you are doing what you can to keep yourself and your family safe.

  2. Fresh air is vital to healthy immunity - make a point of getting outside, daily.  Even as little as 10 to 15 minutes three times throughout the day will benefit you.

  3. Rest!  Get plenty of sleep and rest.

  4. Take some time off, perhaps use this time for a personal at-home retreat where you just enjoy some time spent away from work, extra-curricular activities and the hustle and bustle of life.  Walks, healthy dinners together with your family, board games, curling up with a good book and home exercises are all enriching ways to protect yourself from community transmission.

  5. Consumption of anti-oxidant and nutrient-dense foods like: organic swiss chard, sweet potato, spinach, sprouts, garlic, onions, ginger, parsley, cilantro, celery, bone broth and fermented foods.

  6. Hydrate. Drinking good quality water and herbal teas, staying hydrated, is one of the best things you can do for your body and help support the immune system.

  7. Keep your immune system waste free by reducing your sugar intake and eating a balanced diet.  Avoid eating processed sugars. Added sugar weakens the immune system and can lead to inflammatory responses.  Be sure to read food labels carefully and to limit the amount of added sugar you eat.

Erik Shimane


Erik Shimane was born and raised on the island of O'ahu. Dr. Erik graduated from Kaiser High School and went on to earn a Bachelors of Science Degree in Computer Science from the University of Hawai'i Manoa. He achieved his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer West Chiropractic College in San Jose, CA and continues to obtain numerous post graduate certificates.

Dr. Erik also known as "Eazy" from elementary days has a wealth of knowledge and expertise with nutrition, dietary and herbal supplementation, neuromusculoskeletal pain, sports specific injuries and rehabilitation techniques. Dr. Erik has traveled across the world learning from a multitude of disciplines working in depth with biomechanics and rehabilitation from acute injuries and having the privilege working with the physically challenged. Dr. Erik specializes in Nutrition, Golf Fitness, Volleyball, Martial Arts and Dancing injuries.

In the past, Dr. Erik has been an on-field medical/chiropractic volunteer for the Ironman World Championships in Kona, Hawaii, Internationl Children Games, Ultimate International Karate Championships, North Face Endurance Challenge, San Francisco Full/Half Marathon, Honolulu Marathon, Santa Cruz Beach Volleyball Tournaments, Muddy Buddy, 24 Hours of Adrenaline and many more events. Dr. Erik continues to perform and compete in different competition such as breaking salsa and duo-straps aerial acts. 

Post-Graduate Certificates

Active Release Technique® (A.R.T.) - Upper, Lower, Spine, Nerve Entrapment, Biomechanics, Masters, Active Palpation, Complex Protocols, Ironman Provider Network

Titleist Performance Institute - Medical Professional Level 3, Junior Coach Level 3, Fitness Professional Level 3, Power Coach Level 2


Nutrition: Standard Process, Mediherb, Energetix

Morphogenic Field Technique

System Strength Analysis

OTZ Health Education Systems

Cranial Adjusting Turner Style (CATS) - Level 1, 2

Active Isolated Stretching - Mattes Method

Kinesio® Taping Technique, Rock Tape, 

HawkGrip, Graston® Technique

Anatomy Trains - Survey Course

Functional Movement Systems: SFMA Level 1, FMS Level 1

Olympic Weight Lifting Coach

Lower Quarter Biomechanics

Spine Rehabilitation

Cold Laser
