Guy VOYER, D.O. Post-Secondary Training and Manual Etio-therapy Education

Erik Shimane D.C. is currently Lead Instructor for the Post-Secondary Training and Manual Etiotherapy Courses. Instruction includes Pelvilogy and Spinology.

Erik Shimane has taken courses with the world renowned Osteopath and Medical Doctor, Guy VOYER, DO via the SomaTraining, SomaTherapy and Sutherland Academie of Osteopathy and Universidad Federico Hernriquez y Carvajal International Diplomate of Osteoapathy now known as International Diplomate of Manual-Eito-Therapy. Coursework completion-to-date:

ELDOA Program

  • ELDOA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.1 (May 2018-Jan 2019, Jan 2022), ELDOA Trainer (Jan 2019), ELDOA Instructor (March 2020), 1-3 (June 2021)

SomaTherapy Program

  • SomaTherapist (March 2023)

  • Pumping - Lower Limbs (Dec 2021, Jan 2023, Mar 2024) Upper Limbs/TMJ (Dec 2021, Jan 2023, Mar 2024) Pelvis/Spine (Dec 2021, Jan 2023, Mar 2024)

  • Fascial Normalization - Lower Limbs (Mar 2023) Upper Limbs/TMJ (Mar 2023) Pelvis/Spine (Mar 2023)

  • TTLS - Lower Limbs (Nov 2019, June 2022) Upper Limbs/TMJ (Jan 2020, June 2022) Spine/Pelvis (June 2022)

  • Diaphragm - Cranial Diaphragm (Jun 2021), Thoracic Diaphragm (Sep 2022), Pelvic Diaphragm (Sep 2022), Cervico-Thoracic Diaphragm (Sep 2022)

  • SomaTherapy Theory: Pumping Lower Limb and Diaphragm (Oct 2020), Fascial Normalization of the Lower Limb (Oct 2020), 2TLS of the Lower Limb (Nov 2020), Thoracic Diaphragm Normalization Course (Nov/Dec 2020), Pumping of the Upper Limb and TMJ (Jan 2021), Fascial Normalization of the Upper Limb and TMJ (Feb 2021), 2TLS of the Upper Limb and TMJ (Feb/Mar 2021), Cervical Thoracic Diaphragm Normalization (Mar 2021), Pumping of the Pelvis and Spine (May 2021), Fascial Normalization of the Pelvis and Spine (May 2021), 2TLS of the Pelvis and Spine (May 2021), Normalization of the Pelvic Diaphragm (May 2021)

SomaTraining Program

  • SomaTrainer (Aug 2024)

  • Cardio Training and Physical Conditioning (June 2019)

  • Myofascial Stretching (MFS 1.0) (Aug 2019, Jan 2024) (MFS 2.0) (Jan 2024)

  • Pathologies Sports, Kinesiology, and Orthopedic Strapping (Oct 2019), Strapping 2.0 (Dec 2022)

  • Global Postural Stretching (GPS) (Oct 2020, Aug 2023, Jun 2024)

  • Transverse Abdominals (TVA) (Jun 2021)

  • Circulatory & Respiratory (C&R) (Feb 2022)

  • Proprioception & Awareness (Aug 2022), Proprioception & Awareness 2.0 (Dec 2022)

  • Muscular Strengthening of the Abdominals & Thoracic Diaphragm (Aug 2022)

  • Sauna (Aug 2023)

  • ELDOA Specific (Aug 2023)

  • Segmental Strengthening of the Lower Limbs (Aug 2024)

  • Global Movement : The Squat, Posturology, and Gravity Line (Aug 2024)

  • Segmental Strengthening of the Upper Limb (Aug 2024)

  • SomaTraining Theory: Abdominal and Thoracic Diaphragm (Oct 2020), General ELDOA (Oct 2020), Muscular Strengthening of the Lower Limb (Dec 2020), Myofascial Stretching (Dec 2020), Global Postural Stretching (Jan 2021), Muscular Strengthening of the Upper Limb and Trunk (Mar 2021), Proprioception (Mar 2021), Strapping (Mar 2021), Squat and Posturology (Apr 2021), Specific ELDOA (Apr 2021), Respiratory and Circulatory Exercise Studies (May 2021), Physical Conditioning and Sauna (May 2021)

International Diplomate of Osteopathy / Currently Manual EtioTherapy

  • Spinology 1 (April 2019) (March 2020), Spinology 2 (June/July) 2021, Spinology 3 (December 2021)

  • Pelvilogy 1 (June 2019, Sept 2022 Instructor), Pelvilogy 2 (Sept 2019, June 2023 Instructor), Pelvilogy 3 (March 2020, Sept 2023 Instructor), Pelvilogy 4 (May 2021, March 2024), Pelvilogy 5 (June 2021, June 2024) - (Graduate) Diploma of Pelvilogy, Pelvilogy Instructor (2022-Present), Pelvilogy Associate Professor (June 2024)

  • Viscerology 1 (March 2020, May 2021, January 2024), Viscerology 2 (May 2021, June 2024), Viscerology 3 (July 2021), Viscerology 4 (October 2021), Viscerology 5 (February 2022), Viscerology 6 (April 2022), Viscerology 7 (December 2022), Viscerology 8 (March 2023), Viscerology 9 (September 2023), Viscerology 10 & Graduation (January 2024)

  • Craniology 1 (June 2021, October 2021), Craniology 2 (June 2022), Craniology 3 (September 2022), Craniology 4 (January 2023), Craniology 5 (June 2023), Craniology 6 (March 2024), Craniology 7 (June 2024)

  • Limbology 1 (June 2021), Limbology 2 (December 2021)

  • GOT/Leminscate/F0 (October 2021)

  • Master : Scoliosis (September 2023), Lymphatics (December 2023), GDN - Global Dynamic Normalization (June 2024) GDN Assistant Professor

Education includes in-depth review of functional anatomy and biomechanics, Myofascial stretching, ELDOAs (decoaptation exercises for spinal and accessory joints), Fascia Normalization, Pumping, Transverse Tendonous Ligamentous Stretching, Osteopathic Treatment. More information can be found at Guy VOYER's website.