Pelvilogy Introduction
Erik is currently instructing Post-Secondary Training and Manual Etio-Therapy Course(s) at the ELDOA headquarter in Dallas, Texas.
Courses Instructed for the introduction to Pelvilogy.
The course is design to introduce concepts and practical application for the hyper-in-flare case.
Post-Graduate Training and Manual Etio-Therapy :
The post-graduate training for Pelvilogy introduces the foundation for osteopathic correction through the focus on the pelvic girdle.
The course will show a brief introduction to the hyper-inflare chain and demonstrate and participate in the correction through manual and training interventions.
Guy Voyer Founder of the Post-Graduate training created the Pelvilogy course design for the training and the state of condition that takes the approach “Learn By Doing” and integrates “You are your own best therapist” - GV