Epik Chiro

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Epik Chiro hosts ELDOA USA in Honolulu

Check out a quick video of the ELDOA 1 & 2 trainings held in Honolulu. Taught by Bryce Turner of ELDOA USA and hosted by Epik Chiro at our office in Kakaako.

ELDOA was created by world renowned osteopath Guy VOYER, DO. He has spent over 35 years mastering the function of and harnessing the power of the fascial systems by applying a model of biotensegrity to create specific exercises and manual treatments to normalize the body. Most notably, VOYER has continued to develop the ELDOA techniques to help treat the spine, accessory joints, pelvis, and cranium. Today, the ELDOA is one of the only techniques that can effectively treat and heal the body.

The ELDOA™ exercises use the fascial lines to create global tension in the body around or toward a joint with the primary goal of increasing space within a chosen articulation. As the ELDOA “creates” space, there is an improvement in joint mechanics, increased blood flow, reduced pressure on the discs, a reduction of pain, spinal disc rehydration, improved posture, and a sense of wellbeing and awareness. Working with a certified ELDOA Trainer allows for proper organization of the ELDOA postures in order to achieve the most efficient results.

Learn more about ELDOA and upcoming trainings at ELDOA USA’s website.